
LS MT125 Tractor
25HP, Heated Cab and Loader. 49.1 hrs. Financing Available.


Massey Ferguson 1528
28HP, Diesel, Hydro 4x4
Only 982 hrs!!
Financing Available

$10900                                                                         SOLD !!!

2009 McCormick CT 41H
Hydrostatic w/ Loader, Skid Steer Mount Bucket. (No Emissions) Good Shape. Financing Available!!


Troy Built Bronco

Like New Condition w/ Low Hours!!
   WAS $895.00  NOW $695.00!!

Cockshutt 540
3pt Hitch, Gas. Runs but the Engine Does Knock. Sold As Is.


Kverneland 3 Bottom Plow; 3 pt Hitch and Automatic Reset.

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Grasshopper/Sweepster Broom

Power angle 48" low use broom w/ gauge wheels.

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723K Grasshopper 

Front-mount zero-turn w/ 52" power fold deck 25hp Kohler engine. 957 hrs.


Wright Velke Walk-Behind
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48" deck, hydro-drive, Kawasaki 18.5 hp engine, only 101 hrs.

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Land Pride Landscape Rake

60" rake, no wheels.

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Remlinger Bale Slicer

Like-new condition.

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Rossi Tedder

17' hyd fold, low use.

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New Idea Rake
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John Deere 640

640 Rake w/ dolly wheel.